Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010



SMA 16 Bandung


My Fun Day(flashmob)

Hi!my name is Ati Yulianty,yesterday at Sunday 28 November 2010,I very happy because I went to FLASHMOB but,before I went to flashmob,I went to Al-islam hospital at 9 o’clock.

At Al-islam hospital,I visited my father’s friend because he sick. Because I want to practiced aerobic with my classmate,I went to school alone,but I doing something, I runned at coridor hospital and I called by security,OMG! Is was very embarrassing!!! i very shy and security just said to me “you very noisy!this is hospital,you know???you can’t run!not noisy?ok?”and I just smile to her.

After that,I went to school for practiced aerobic at 10 o’clock. There are, I meted with my classmate and I played UNO together. We haven’t result for practiced aerobic and then all of my friend went to their house. At 11.30 o’clock I lunch with my ‘chingu’,I laughted together,and we bought meet ball,we are very happy.

At 12 o’clock, I went to flashmob with Utari Kusumawardhani at DIPATIUKUR (Momument). I very happy,because I meeted with all of Cassiopeia Bandung. That’s Flashmob for Junsuppa birthday (member of DBSK = my idol). There are, I and cassiopeia’s dance together (Mirotic), I gotten 2 pin and 3 stickers for keepsake. At 5 o’clock flashmob have finished.

I comeback to my home at 7 o’clock, I feel tired but I very happy.i never forgetten that day,something embarrassing,have fun with my classmate,”chingu” and I have a lot of experience. At 9 o’clock I went to slept ^_^.

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